Registration into any of our classes, fun days and workshops can be done through our website (call or email for birthday party availability). If you need assistance in selecting an appropriate class for your child, call 978-694-9678.
When registered, you are AUTOMATICALLY enrolled from month to month, you have the option of cancelling with a 30 day notice. Although billing is done monthly to help with budgeting, the monthly fee is not based on 4 classes a month, it is based on 38 classes for the season (Sept-June). We do not prorate for holidays, snow cancellations or missed classes.
All members are dropped from class at the end of June and RE-REGISTRAION NEEDS TO OCCUR in order to continue into our summer session (July and/or August)
A $37.00 fee per student (waived for the 3rd child) renews every September, members receive 10% off the base rate of our Birthday Party Packages
Tuition is due in full at the time of registration. (Mid-month registration will be billed for the remaining weeks of the current month).
For the convenience of our members, GymStreet USA charges our clients on a monthly auto pay system on the FIRST OF THE MONTH.
GymStreet USA accepts cash, check, MasterCard, Visa and Discover. Returned checks are subject to a $15.00 charge.
To unenroll your child from class, league or team A 30 DAY NOTICE IN WRITING is required (verbal requests will not be honored). Send the request to support@gymstreetusa.com Tuition fees will be billed up to the termination date even if your child will not be attending. Injury (with doctors note) or severe illness (requiring hospitalization) will be the only exception to the 30 day policy.
GymStreet USA does not issue refunds for classes missed (see makeup policy). Including weather related closings, government forced shutdowns or any other unforseen circumstances that may arise.
For new students, a no obligation trial class is built into our class programs. The member fee and class tuition is required to secure the no obligation class. If you feel the class is not a good fit, you have 24 HOURS to opt out of the class to receive your refund.
If the student enrolls in the program within the month of the trial, the class payment will be deducted from that month's tuition. The no obligation trial class will be scheduled by the student’s parent in advance (no walk-ins). The parent must be present during the trial class.
We base the payment structure on 38 classes for the year Sept-June, no makeup classes are needed for holidays or vacation weeks
Students can make-up 1 missed class per month.
The makeup class must be scheduled within 30 days of the absence by calling 978-694-9678 or emailing the request to www.support@gymstreetusa.com">www.support@gymstreetusa.com
We do not offer make-up classes during the Summer Session (july/August)
You will never have to remember to re-register for a session
No waiting in line at the front desk
Same monthly payment to make budgeting easier
No getting locked out of classes you prefer
More coach stability for your child
Year long progressive curriculum so switching classes is not necessary (skill evaluation will be done during the first 2 classes to make sure your child is placed in the most appropriate class).
30 day cancellation notification is requested to opt out of the class
Classes end mid June (June will be billed with May’s tuition)
Optional end of Year GymShow celebration in June (medals presented)
Registering through the website automatically sets your parent portal up using a password of your choice. The portal will allow you to see your account, update credit card information, add or change address, contacts, or members, and sign updated waivers.
To access the portal click on "Member Login" at the bottom of every page and click "Already a member" at the top.
Parent and Me: parents and students should be comfortably dressed
No baggy pants
Gymnastics and tumbling:
​Girls – leotard, bare feet, and hair pulled back, no jewelry.​
​Boys - shorts and a t-shirt tucked in, bare feet ​
Ninja: Leggings/athletic pants with fitness shirt or T-shirt, CLEAN SNEAKERS: (If is raining or the ground is wet and sandy it is required to carry your sneakers in, No jewelry (stud earrings are permitted)
Please refrain from coaching your child or distracting the class.
Parents are not allowed in the training or class area unless authorized by an instructor.
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with the supervisor or call us at 978-694-9678.
Please do not send your gymnast into the facility more than 5 minutes before the start of their scheduled practice.
Hand washing prior to class is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED
Please inform us if your child has an injury or medical condition so that we may insure their safety.
A sick child loves to share their germs! Please keep them home from class to insure the safety of others. A child should remain home for at least 72 hours after a fever to prevent infecting others. We will be happy to schedule a make-up class.
We take pride in keeping our facility clean and sanitized. Please help us by throwing away any trash and cleaning up after your child. Please be aware of others with food allergies.
There are no pets allowed in the facility.
GymStreet USA will not be held responsible for lost, stolen, missing or broken jewelry or personal items. No gum chewing, cell phones, food or drinks in the gym or studios.